Of course they all celebrate with cupcakes or something at school when they are in 5-k! Sooooo, Coleman "HAD" me make cake ball pops for his!! They turned out cute and were a hit so he was pumped!!!! There is only 9 in his class and they sang to him, he loved it and was sooooo sweet and innocent looking up there with his tuxedo shirt he got all dressed in! They took a group picture and did silly faces! Even little bro bro got to come, he enjoyed a banana! Thanks Mrs. Jan for letting us come, it was great to be a part of his special day at school and that he wanted me to come! AWWWWWWWW!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Class Birthday Party!!!!!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
8:42 AM
Birthday Fun!
This year Coleman wanted to have a family party with all the people that love him and some friends that might as well be family!! He said, "We have all this land, we might as well have a party!" He's got some humor that kid! He had a blast and they all rolled down the hill in the giant ball Lovie got him! The Pinata was a hit and Coleman was actually the one that busted it, you know he was happy! Look at Shaunna, crazy girl!!! Im pretty sure shes been at them all! The dirt bike cake compliments of "me, mommy!" turned out really cute, who knew?" Coleman, I love you so and find it hard to believe you got here 6 years ago! I will never forget seeing you for the first time!! You were perfect!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
8:33 AM
Happy Birthday to my BIG 6 Year Old!!!!
This boy wanted to have a dirt bike cake!!! Thats all really!! I am so proud and he is soooooo special and the Lords blessings are so powerful!! Thank you God for my gift, I don't know what I did to deserve him! I love being his mother!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
8:22 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Loving the Tree and Sunglasses!!
Byars was sooooo cute with the tree! All through the holidays he would say "TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He would touch the lights and say "Hot!" Then he discovered my sunglasses! He likes to wear things on his head and try on shoes and hats and glasses!! So funny how he's changing! He even says now POO POO and Tee Tee! He actually says lots of things but that cracks me up, he will not sit on the potty though I have already tried. Maybe he will be easier than Coleman to potty train! We will see!!!!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
6:25 PM
Christmas Singing for the Elders!
This was sooooo sweet! He did not want to sing in front of everyone! Dreading it is more like it! Then off to the childrens theatre to see a Christmas play! It was really cute but I believe he could have done without it! Such a little grownie boy! They were precious though and the old people loved it!!!!!! I will definitely never forget seeing my little one up there!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
6:16 PM
During the Holidays!
Coleman loved being out of school for the holidays! We had a blast and just enjoyed being together all day! Byars loved him being home and learned to walk finally! The little stinker in unstopable and follows Coleman everywhere and will for the next several years! They are so sweet together, even when they get on each others nerves!!!
Posted by
The Lantrip Family
6:06 PM