Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter at Lovie and Poppy's

Easter at Lovie and Poppy's was a blast watching the boys run crazy! They had been hunting eggs for days they said so we didn't even have a hunt there. They made music, chased each other around and played football. Patrick took a picture of me and my big o belly. WOW am I growing! I can't believe we are adding another boy to this clan! Coleman got a giant duck from uncle Adam and too much junk and toys from Lovie but he loves it! He aggervated Pop of course, but Pop just laughs and makes him come back for more! Paigey got in on the music but we begged her to stop, just kidding Paigey, we love your singing!!! Coleman looked so handsome in his Easter outfit, he even posed for me to get some sweet shots! I love the Easter and being with family and celebrating our Lord and Savior! There is nothing better than getting together with the ones you love! What a special day!!

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Goldilocks said...

Colman is such a cutie. I love the new pics on your side bar. He looks like such a big boy. And you look adorable. I am glad to see everyone is doing well and that your family was okay through the storm.