Thursday, September 15, 2011

Around The House With Family

We have been hanging around the house for almost a month now! Well, I have gotten out, I just tried to stay away from germ infested places like Wal-Mart and places that are inside!! We have enjoyed the outside the most! So our family has been over to hang out and play most days!! Abby got to come and hold Byars finally. She said he was beautiful and looked like a proud little aunt! Lona loves her cousin and wanted to hold him the whole time. It was so cute, she kept saying, "Hold Byars!" Coleman loves him so much and is always kissing on him and being silly trying to make him happy!! When he cries, Coleman always knows whats wrong with him, it's sooo funny!!! Aunt LeighAnne got Byars his AC DC onsie and Lovie got him his tobogan for Tannehill this year!! He has two spooky outfits already!! I have a feeling he will love it as much as Coleman!!

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