Thursday, February 16, 2012

We've Been Camping!

Coleman wanted to have his 5 year birthday party camping so we pulled the camper to Oak Mountain and decided to leave it there for the month. We have been having so much fun and Byars is just the little camper his self. He has literally been camping 1/2 of his life!! He turned 6 months old and is doing all kinds of things!! He loves to hear himself hollar and he loves Coleman!! My aunt Paige got us the bike trailor so I put him in there the other day and he loved it but fell asleep. Sooo pitiful!! He sat at the table the other night for the first time for dinner in the high chair. It was mine when I was little. You know I am sentimental and quite frankly, it goes much better with the furniture than the new high tech plastic ones. However, it doesn't have all the nice straps like the new ones so I had to smush him in there with towels for now so he won't fall over. He is still a little slumpy Coleman says!! He is as big as Coleman was!! 19 lbs. 25 1/2 inches today!!

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